Whilst you're reading this, Tom is probably trying to kill himself for the millionth time. Yes, I'm a drama queen.
So I decided to make a lighter topic for people to laugh about.
Crazy Things V says
bassicguitar (17:55:39): awww Becketty kisses
bassicguitar (18:39:34): I tried to post as anonymoose
blackribboncoven (18:40:55): ok
bassicguitar (18:40:35): it doesn't work :] lol
bassicguitar (18:58:15): OOOOOOO_o
bassicguitar (18:58:21): I have many eyes on one side
bassicguitar (19:12:26): scrumdiddlyumptious!
bassicguitar (19:31:55): I love you braintwin! :]
bassicguitar (20:02:32): Koren of the pregnant baby jokes horrifieder?
bassicguitar (20:05:18): what if there was a shrink ray that could make her a mini Koren? That would be better right?
bassicguitar (20:18:57): Michael is a loveable fluff of distilled hug-ness cuddles in a bottle lol
bassicguitar (20:23:39): Australian!
bassicguitar (20:31:08): I can't help it I just imagined her as a former President in drag as a blonde woman
bassicguitar (20:35:07): o_O
bassicguitar (20:35:17): ARE YOU SPERADING DISEASES?
bassicguitar (20:36:37): You're not a badger
bassicguitar (20:37:00): what? you are a badger?
blackribboncoven (20:38:23): NOOOO!
bassicguitar (20:38:47): okay :]
blackribboncoven (20:40:13): I'm not a badger
bassicguitar (20:39:21): got it, boss :]
bassicguitar (20:56:35): I'm glad your not a badger
bassicguitar (20:56:45): :]
bassicguitar (21:01:04): I dont want my badger!Jezz to die!
bassicguitar (21:08:34): Australian
bassicguitar (21:10:45): Michael should just say "Hello, my name is Michael, and I'm Australian."
bassicguitar (21:26:02): lol Michael is a creepy dude looking for a hat
bassicguitar (21:28:42): hat should have it's own account lol
bassicguitar (21:29:04): Australian!
bassicguitar (21:29:31): D=
bassicguitar (21:29:41): that looks like a sideways toaster
bassicguitar (21:29:45): *tilts head*